Beer Review: Bob's 47
I mentioned that I have been drinking good beer again. Must be the fall weather. So after all my name dropping, I thought that I should throw another actual beer review into the mix. It's been too long.I have great beer in the fridge. Tonight felt like a Bob's 47 night, with a crisp bite in the wind outside, me warm inside, watching my Jayhawks dance all over Texas A&M. Boulevard's Bob's 47 is a Munich Style Lager. Very oktoberfest. I poured a bottle of the brew into a glass beer mug, and snapped this picture with my phone. The head pours bubbly, but thin, and quickly dissipates, leaving very light lacing. The color is an orangey-amber, like copper, and very clear, in a filtered sort of way. Sticking my nose into the mug, it smells sweet, a little fruity and slightly spicy. The first sip has a sweet, malty, bready flavor, followed by minor bite, perhaps hops. (The Boulevard site says the beer is brewed with a combination of Pale, Munich, Carapils & Aromatic malts, and Magnum & Hallertau hops.) It is carbonated well to provide some lightness, and the mouthfeel is on the thinner side. This beer presents like it will be too sweet, but the taste left afterwards is a bit dry, only slightly bitter, and drives me to take another sip, and another. Like most of Boulevard's seasonal brews, I wish this one was available for longer periods. Our keg at work is sporting Bob's right now. I have been working overtime lately. :)
Random note, belated congrats to J & D! You guys are the cutest couple ever.